Just Married!

19. Juli 2014:

On July 19, 2014, was celebrated the marriage of Manoj Mondal, former Ashalayam student, with Bimmy Tirkey, in the presence of Ashalayam children and staff, as well as the close friends and the family of the couple.

After the marriage ceremony, Ashalayam boys and girls got the opportunity to demonstrate their talent, with various dance shows and songs. After that, a good meal has been offered to all.

Manoj studied Hospitality Management in France, at the Lycée des Métiers Santos Dumont in Saint Cloud (close to Paris), thanks to the support of his French sponsor. Then, he worked for a hotel of the Accor group in Paris, before coming back to India to get married.

After he’ll have completed all the administrative requirements, he’s planning to come back to work in France, with his wife. He’s a great example of success story for all the Ashalayam students !

We wish them a lot of happiness !

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