French event in Asha-Shop

4. Mai 2015:

On Saturday 25, around 20 French speakers met in Ashalayam coffee-shop for a French-speaking event.

Organized in partnership with the association “Kawa”, which aims at recreating social link through French meetings all around the world, the event was a real success! The participants could exchange their ideas and point of view on the topic of childhood: memories, child rights, the condition of children in India, and so on. It was also the occasion to communicate on Ashalayam projects and sell handicrafts made by the youth in our Vocational Training Center.

Hoppefully, this event is the first of many more to come, thanks to the participation of volunteers like Thibault from France, who is currently involved for asha shop. Many thanks also to Sélina member of Kawa and friend of Ashalayam, Rita and Patrick (asha shop in-charge), Lorenzo, volunteer who supported the event and all the participants!

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